Files Names Normalizer (Case Standardization.).Audio files To Audio CD burning capabilities.One-by-one tag editor with queue (for multiple files edition).

Automatically Albums Renaming & Tagging (ID3Tag V1 & V2 tags, Vorbis (Ogg) comments and APEv2 tags are supported) Powered by FreeDB.Supports : MP3, OGG, MPC, APE, AAC, FLAC and WavPack files.Other useful features include audio files to CD burning, Batch files Tag Remover, Playlist creator and analyzer, Internalization support and many more. With AudioGrail you can analyze quality, organize files on your system, find duplicated files and improve your everyday audio experience! AudioGrail features an intuitive and easy to use interface with the ability to drag and drop your audio files directly into the main window.

It is designed to easily rename and tag (tag: info such as artist name, album, track title) your files automatically. AudioGrail is an awesomely impressive audio application that provides support for multiple formats.